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Friday 2 May 2014

PAMPER THYSELF: Pampering 101, before you say “I do”

As we journey through “loves lane till death do us part” a little indulgence becomes somewhat crucial
Planning your wedding, whether grand and elaborate or small and low keyed, comes with a lot of hustle bustle, twist and turns varying from dealing with vendors to coordinating your whole train, including that of your groom. Brides are particularly insistent on perfection, worrying about every single detail from, picking the out colors and theme for their dream weddings to picking out the perfect bridal ensemble. The attention then shifts from “Us” to what we want to be seen on the outside. We frequently forget that beauty is invented to radiate from inside; out. Glamour and well-being is a two-way street and should complement each other nicely just as with beauty and brains, hence a little splurge on pampering yourself just before you walk down “loves lane till death do you part” has become crucial. Reallifegist is exploring five different ways of pampering yourself right. FULL BODY MASSAGE: The advantage of a relaxing massage comes from the purpose of the massage. It rids your body of life's every day stresses, reduces muscle pain, help alleviate the discomfort or just help restore balance to your body and mind, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and helping you maintain a life of wellness and good health, which you need to plan the wedding of your dreams. You need a stable and sound state of mind to plan the perfect wedding. FACIAL: Facial is arguable the second most popular spa treatment and it has proven to be one of the best ways to take care of your skin, especially when it's given by a professional esthetician. There are various types of facial treatment ranging from the anti-aging facial, oxygen facial, a collagen facial or a deep-cleansing facial. Any of these treatments cleanses, exfoliates and nurtures the skin, stimulating a clear, well-hydrated complexion, and guarantees to help your skin looking younger, which of course is the whole idea as bride’s are usually the center of attraction. With your facial treatments sorted and a qualified make-up artist, you would dazzle with your best face ever. MANICURE& PEDICURE There are many benefits attached to this process other than the beauty factor. Manicures help with blood circulation or muscle aches in the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. A hot oil manicure is a specific type of manicure that cleans the cuticles and softens them with oil. It works well for dry skin and nails that are brittle as it improves them both by leaving them soft and supple, good enough to put a ring on it. Types of oils that can be used are mineral oil, olive oil or commercial preparation in an electric heater. Pedicures are slightly different. Your toe nails are clipped if desired or needed first. Then your feet are soaked in a small bubbling, vibrating, heated tub of warm water. Routine pedicures relieves back and leg pain, help with circulation in the legs and feet which is especially beneficial for diabetics, and actually may help you sleep better at night. SOAK IN A BUBBLE BATH: You have a million things on your mind. You feel tense particularly when things are not coming together as planned. Soothe your stress by soaking in a warm bubble bath delicately laced with your favorite fragrance. This very simple act has proven to be therapeutic. Just merely soaking yourself gently cleanses and softens your skin, leaving you with soft, supple looking skin and a glowing sense of calm, which is very crucial for you at every point as you travel through your wedding plan, especially with vendors acting up every now and again. SLEEP: This might not seem an idea of pampering, but let’s face it bride’s how many times do we get to sleep, and I don’t mean sleep out of exhaustion NO! I mean make out time just for “SLEEP” and making it special too. Make your bed in sweet smelling bed spreads freshly washed, dressed in your lingerie not trying in any way to please anyone but yourself only, listening to relaxing music. Ladies give yourself some quiet and alone time. Guest and phone calls are not allowed…………make this all about you, because you are worth it and even more… >>>did you find this post useful? Share your thoughts, we love to hear from you

Monday 28 April 2014

Vindication of the "Career Woman"...why must she be constantly criticied

Lets Discuss (Point): Don’t Marry Career Women! 
To quote a popular saying, "behind every successful man is a good woman." with the influx of  women  in the workforce more women are now surpassing men in starting new businesses, women are starting to step out of the shadows to stand beside or in some cases, in front of their men into
How do women, careers and marriage mix? Not well, say the majority backed, up social scientists. 
Guys: A word of advice. Marry a pretty woman an ugly one, Short  or tall . Rotund or super skinny, introverts or extroverts. Whatever you do, do not marry a woman with a career.

Why? Because if my forefathers and many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage. While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful, recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat and less likely to have children. And if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. Also because women–even those with a “feminist” outlook–are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner. 
This is not in the least a happy conclusions, especially given that many men, particularly successful men, are attracted to women with similar goals and aspirations. And why not? After all, your typical career girl is well educated, ambitious, informed and engaged. An embodiment of beauty, brains and everything perfect  right? Sure … at least until you get married. Then, to put it bluntly, the more successful she is, the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you. Sound familiar?

The other reason a career can hurt a marriage will be obvious to anyone who has seen his or her mate run off with a co-worker: When your spouse works outside the home, chances increase that he or she will meet someone more likable than you. “The work environment provides a host of potential partners,  “wives” frequently find themselves spending a great deal of time with these individuals.” Hence cheating, and if the cheating leads to divorce, you’re in a whole lot trouble. Divorce has been positively correlated with higher rates of alcoholism, clinical depression and suicide. Other studies have associated divorce with increased rates of cancer, stroke, and sexually transmitted disease. Plus, divorce is financially devastating (Well not in the African continent), So why not just stay single? Maybe because recent studies have also shown that a solid marriage fosters happiness, a positive and well-rounded mental attitude and health. A word of caution, though; As with any social scientific study, it’s important not to confuse correlation with causation. In other words, just because married folks are healthier than single people, it doesn’t mean that marriage is causing the health gains. It could just be that healthier people are more likely to be married.

(Counterpoint): Don’t Marry A Lazy Man 
(Let’s keep ALL the studies and surveys aside and just apply plain logic) Modern marriage is a two-way street. Men should own up to their responsibilities too.

Girlfriends: a word of advice. Ask your man the following question: When was the last time you learned something useful, either at home or work? Seriously!

I’m not usually a fan of trial and errors, particularly when it comes to marriage and relationships. Recently we are been taunted with all the  frightening surveys, studies and stories written and posted all over the internet and is quite becoming the acceptable norm when it comes down to choosing between an intelligent career woman with stellar academic records and just any woman who would make a “wife material” who would do all the chores tend to all your needs except she’s not good enough to attend your company’s annual conference, neither is she allowed to attend PTA’s not to mention speaking in church and residence meetings

OK, let me break it down,  this century has seen more and more successful and happy marriages with career driven parent and very happy children raised in conducive and comfortable homes.

 This era has also seen women who earn a decent living that allows them  “support” the family and yet raise well rounded children as against the contrary  “studies and “surveys” that should ordinarily make her a wretched wife. Take, for instance, the claim that professional women are more likely to get divorced because they’re more likely to meet someone in the workforce who will be “more attractive” than the chubby "couch potato"hubby at home.

Women have faced this kind of competition squarely for years and are been beaten up and talked into walking away from high powered jobs, just because they have an obligation to live up to being a wife and a mother.

 Again what does been a wife and a mother mean? Does it mean staying at home washing and cleaning, making babies, snacking on chocolates and cookies while watching the season finale of Desperate housewives? Is this to be encouraged?  I think the answer is No? We live in an era where women should be allowed to live out their full potentials; she can be a wife and a mother as well as CEO, group leader, entrepreneur, activist and yet still ooze of femininity with delicate curves and edges! 
Times are fast changing guys, the essence of a good marriage, to me means  that both parties have to learn to adapt, re-invent and keep evolving . with children comes tons of change. Mother's encounter it first during the nine months of pregnancy, starting with the rapid change of her  body dimensions, on the other  fathers MUST learn to adapt, too, by learning to and help care for children, to take charge of certain aspects of the home chores, who said the woman must do EVERYTHING!.

So, guys, if you’re game for an exciting life, go ahead and marry a professional gal...winks